By admin • January 28, 2018 • No Comments
1.When you do brush and floss regularly after your square meals, gum problems would not appear that often.
2.When you visit dentist every 8/7 months, your twenty eight pearly whites (teeth) and gums may not face any serious problem without your knowledge( except accidents).
3.When you do regular hygiene visits like scaling – your gums would support your teeth life long.
4When you go for basic fillings for timely erosion,chipping and abrasions, no any serious pain and financial burden may arise.
5.If you do not do above mentioned things on time, consequences would not leave you just like that.
6.RCT followed by crown is expensive.
7.Replacement of bridge or implant is even more expensive.
8.No teeth in oral cavity is darn expensive for your day to day biting activity.
9.Wearing denture and feeling awkward all the time plus putting denture in a water glass every night is most expensive thing in the world.
So, Before reaching, step by step, to unwanted # 9, Follow #1 in the first place. And, in the worst case scenario, you must stop yourself at number #6.
Possessing best dental health, by timely care, is not expensive, gaining it back after used and abused nature’s gift is.
हाम्रो लक्ष्य : हँसिलो समाज