By admin • April 30, 2017 • No Comments
White Gold table-top cover of a RCT done posterior teeth !
Benefits: More tooth conserved (less tooth harmed) during preparation,
easily replaceable,
easily RE-fixable,
not touching gum areas,
main purpose of it is to prevent tooth from getting split after RCT.
We recommend this to bigger (more tooth damaging) crowns/caps.
(Limited to non-aesthetics areas like posterior teeth which needs more force to grind foods )
Dental Temple Kathmandu (Old Baneswor Height Kathmandu ), has been providing this kind of less-tooth-damaging-crown placement for the last 7 years.
You also can ask your dentist in Kathmandu or elsewhere in the world to try this.
This picture may seem not aesthetically pleasing but the angle this picture is taken is not an usually socialising angle.